
To Cutting out Coffee

Coffee is as much part of the average adult’s morning routine as is brushing their teeth. Coffee really is a comfort “food”, but how good is it really for you? Some studies suggest that coffee is practically a health food with its abundance of antioxidants, while other studies highlight the negative side-effects of caffeine on our bodies. If you’re deciding to cut down on your coffee all together, maybe you’ve tried to stop and have been suffering from painful headaches.

This is because caffeine narrows blood vessels in the brain and decreases circulation, and when caffeine is suddenly missing from your diet, there is a sudden increase in circulation both to the brain and the digestive system. This may lead to severe headaches as well as constipation or bowel upset. So, although it is ideal for your body to be rid of this addictive substance as quickly as possible, it is best to take a gradual approach to cutting out coffee in order to achieve the most success pain-free.
Source: Kumpulan Soal Ganesha Operation, SPMB/2006/R-I/411,hlm. 796


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